District 8 Chorus Meeting Notes
See Link

Montgomery Band Plays at Inauguration!
See the link below for the full article. http://www.sungazette.com/news/top-news/2017/01/montgomery-high-band-to-perform-at-inaugural-eve...

Judy Smithgall Recognized in Williamsport Sun-Gazette
Judy Smithgall of Wellsboro High School was recognized as an outstanding teacher in today's Williamsport Sun-Gazette. Click the LINK for...

Music Back at Shamokin Elementary!
Kim Councill speaks at Shamokin elementary school's winter concert, conducted by Krista Carney. This is the first concert since 2012.
May 15 Executive Board Minutes
Click on this LINK for the minutes.

Anna Radspinner in Action!
Above is a picture of Anna Radspinner winning the PMEA citation of excellence award, and below is the Andrew G Curtin Intermediate School...

D8 Colleague Presents in Atlanta
District 8 colleague, Amelia Garbisch from Bloomsburg University presents in Atlanta at the society of music teacher educators national...